Ferozpur, the south westernmost district of Punjab State with a total
the geographical area of 5850 sq.km. is located between 29o 56’ 47” and 31o 0’ 7”
north latitudes and 72o 52’ 54” and 75o 01’ 11” east longitudes . The district
area falls in Survey of India degree sheet Nos. 44 J, 44F, 44I .
Administratively, the district is under control of Ferozpur division and is
divided into 5 sub-divisions namely Ferozpur, Fazilka, Abohar, Zira and
Jalalabad and 4 sub tehsils i.e. Arniwala Sheikh Subhan, Mamdot, Talwandi
Bhai, Makhu.
The Ferozpur district forms a part of Sutlej sub basin of main Indus
basin and is interrupted by clusters of sand dunes. The district area is an
almost a flat terrain with a gentle slope towards south west direction.
Physiographically, it is characterized by four distinct features i.e. the
upland plain, sand dune tracts, younger flood plain and active flood
plain.The river Sutlej that is of perrineal nature mainly drains the area. River
Sutlej shows both influent and effluent nature in the area. The area is
traversed by a dense network of canals.
In irrigation practices, contribution of tubewells are larger as compared
to canal system i.e 137 % area irrigated by canal is being irrigated by
The climate of the district can be classified as tropical desert, arid and
hot. The area receives about 389 mm annual normal rainfalls which is
unevenly distributed over the area in 23 days, out of which about 79% occurs
during south west monsoon. Rain fall in the district decreases from north east
to south west.
• Normal Annual Rainfall : 389 mm
• Rainy Days : 23 Days
• Drought Frequency ( 1970- 2002)
Moderate - 5 Probability – 0.15
Severe - 1 Probability – 0.03
The district area forms a part of Indo-gangetic plain and Sutlej Sub
basin of main Indus basin. The area as a whole is almost flat with a gentle
slope towards the south westerly direction.
The physiographic of the district is broadly classified from north to
south into four distinct features i.e. Upland plain, Sand dune tract, younger
flood pain and active flood plain of Sutlej.
The soil of the district is of two types i.e. sierozem (in northern parts)
and desert soils (in southern parts).
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